Sunday, March 18, 2007

Secret of Attraction

Secret of Attraction
Welcome to my blog on the Secret of Attraction. I have learned so much about this topic over the past months. As I have read books, watched videos and listened to recordings about the Secret of Attraction, I have come to realize that this so called Secret of Attraction has been a blueprint for my life without me knowing about it. Now the Secret of Attraction is no longer a secret for me but a deliberate plan by which I organize my life. I believe it should be so for everybody.

One of the areas of my life which I have reorganized after becoming aware of the principles of the Secret of Attraction is personal wealth. "Wealth is a mindset. Money is literally attracted to you or repelled from you. It's all about how you think. "

There was a time in my life when I believed this was all bunk. No more! I have seen, have experienced and am experiencing the results. Even my children acknowledge the results that they are receiving.

Secret of Attraction

1 comment:

Sadiq said...

just recently i posted something about the secret of attraction. u r welcome to share ur thoughts.
