The Third Lesson
The Secret (Law) of Attraction works in all arenas of our lives - from health, relationships, love life to wealth. Although most of us focus on wealth and riches as being our primary concern, the other areas rank equally. If we feel lacking in any of these areas, we need to learn how to turn our thought processes around so that we possess the good health, the great relationship, the encompassing love life and the extraordinary wealth in our consciousness before we possess it physically. By the Law of Attraction, the universe will, in fact must, manifest for us that which we already possess in out thoughts and actions. That does not mean to spend to the limit in hopes of the arrival of the riches. But it does mean to start the process in all areas. Nothing will come if the groundwork is not laid and the groundwork will not be laid if you don't see yourself already possessing the thing you wish. Learning how to make the transition to this way of thinking and seeing things is crucial.
The third free lesson the Creating Wealth series has been posted on Wealth Booster.