Secret of Attraction
Secret of Attraction
Book Review of A Happy Pocket Full of Money
As I delved into the Secret (Law) of Attraction material there were a few resources that stood out well above the others. The one that got me the most enthused and pumped up was the book “A Happy Pocket Full of Money” by David Cameron. Written from a quantum physics perspective, the book gives a detailed blueprint for accessing the abundance of the universe. From The Steps to Wealth and Happiness to Goals, Images, Success and Gratitude, this 236 page book is filled with exciting information. It does require an open mind, acceptance of the concept of universal abundance and acceptance of some quantum physics principles. The book is written in language anybody can understand and its methods are ones that can be used by every person who reads the book. As you begin incorporating the methods into your life, you come to realize that many are ones that you have used before but, probably, without the same outcome. I became so thrilled with the book that I used every spare moment to read and learn. I even took it to work to read during my breaks.
If you are interested in changing your financial health and are interested in one resource to assist, this is the one. If you are interested in exploring your attitudes towards money and modifying them so as to attract more money into your life, this is the guidance system to us. This 236 page book gives much more information and direction than you would expect for $29.95. Just coming to understand how I was initially led to the book and then other similar resources was a lesson worth more than the cost.
I discovered how money is magnetic energy and that I am a magnet attracting to me the wealth I wish to have. I love the results.
Secret of Attraction
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A Personal Story
- By David
"Believe Me, I Know Where You Are Coming From And Where You Wish To Go"
Up until a several years ago, I was fairly happy but sometimes I was
struggling internally and externally. I wanted this to stop, but didn''t
know how. I had my dreams, I tried a lot but didn''t know how to
achieve them. I sometimes felt split and conflicted within, and I didn''t
know why or how to resolve that. And then I found the art of living. And
now, things are great and they just keep getting better and better and
better! And better and better and better! AND BETTER!
You just want life to finally make sense and start working out for you,
OK, I won''t waste your time with my whole life story - just give me a
couple of minutes, though, to show you that you can finally ''get
life!'' no matter where you are or where you start from. I am 30 years of
age. I was born in Kenya and my foot has stepped in about 30 countries
worldwide (and counting). Having spent most of my time self-employed, I
have been employed for only one-and-a-half months all my life but have
been involved in or started several business over the years - some
worked, some didn''t - and at the very beginning they were actually
undercapitalized disasters :)
Anyway, the tide changed as I gained understanding and self-knowledge.
Recently, I was part of an upcoming worldwide television event called
The Secret (see a preview on our website). I have also written several
eBooks and am involved in several physical and online ventures. Like I
said, things just keep getting easier and easier, better and better.
Internally, things now make sense, and externally, they flow with ease to
the extent that I let them. The fear and confusion has been replaced
with clarity and trust.
But it wasn''t always like that. It only became so when I committed
myself to learning how the universe works, how life works, how the human
mind and emotion system works. All knowledge leads to self-knowledge.
And once you know - well, you just know and through that understanding,
you can do anything :) For example, if you don''t know how to drive a
Formula 1 car, you will crash it. But if you know, you will enjoy the
race and perhaps even win and enjoy some glory. What you know or don''t
know makes a big difference in your life, especially when it comes to how
life truly works, how to achieve abundance and security, and so on.
Enough about me. What we have here for you is an amazing collection of
materials for your life. These are materials that I personally was
helped immensely by. And not just me, but hundreds and hundreds of
successful people over many, many decades have used exactly some of these same
materials or concepts. The level of success you achieve with these
materials is all up to you; you can take them as little or as big as you
wish to go.
Who knows, you may even exceed the results of most of the people who
have used them in the past.
Personally, I have nothing but good words for them. With the knowledge
I gained from them, I have seen the world and done many of the things I
only dreamt of doing. And it is only just the beginning! I haven''t
even scratched the surface yet; I am still integrating this wisdom daily,
and each day gets more expansive.
You can have the same, and even more! Enjoy!!
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