Thursday, April 5, 2007

The Secret Boss

Secret of Attraction
As I meet people in the hallways at work, I usually greet them with "Hi Boss". Most people think I am joking and some think I am just plain crazy. Very few people ask me why I would say that to them. A few bluntly respond with "I'm not a boss".

When I get the opportunity, I explain to people that I greet them in that fashion because each person is a boss - a boss of their own lives. That is the message that comes from all the information on the Secret and the Secret (Law) of Attraction. You are boss of your own life. Nobody can take that away from you.

Ghandi knew that and no matter how much force was used on him, he did not give in. Why? Because he was the boss - the boss of his likes, his dreams, his goals and his beliefs. Just like you are and I am. You control your life. You control your destiny. You decide who will be in your life and who won't. You decide who will impact the decisions you make and how much impact they will have on your decisions. You decide what your life will be like

Your life today reflects the decisions you made yesterday. The decisions you make today will determine your life tomorrow. Your decisions govern what is attracted to you. That is the so called secret. That is the Secret of Attraction.

How do you know which decisions to make? Ask yourself? Let the answer come from within you. Remember that what is right for another person might not be right for you. What other people do might be an inspiration for you. But you might not be able to do what they do - and they might not be able to do what you do.

Remember, you are unique. Also remember that you will always be right whether you believe you can do something or if you believe you can't do. The universe accepts you at face value and gives you what ask for. So if you say you can't do something, that is what will be given to you.

As a child I stuttered very badly. I always said that the cartoon character, Elmer Fudd, was modeled after me. I was most unhappy with my situation and I knew I wanted to speak clearly. I used to fantasize about speaking clearly. I would see my self speaking to large groups of people. The universe began to show me how to get what I wanted. I ventured into some drama presentations (that was scary!!). I did a little debating. I learned how to start sentences without stuttering (some words were key - I discovered which). I was laughed at and made fun of. But I wanted to change and the universe showed me how to do it. Slowly, very slowly, I began to lose the stutter. Today I speak very clearly. I remember the pain of the past but I know that is no longer me. I invoked the Secret without any conscious knowledge of it. How different life would have been had I done otherwise.

I did the same with quitting smoking. I will talk about that at a later time.

Be the person you want to be. It might take time - but if you really want it, it will be.

The Secret of Attraction.

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